Friday, January 01, 2010

An invitation - and a challenge - from the Karuna Trust fundraising team

Khemajala, a fundraiser at the Karuna Trust, writes with an invitation - and a challenge - for all men reading FWBO News. He says -

"Would you like to live a truly meaningful and memorable year as part of a Karuna Men's Fundraising Community?

"On 29 September 2006, in Khairlanji village, central India, Surekha Bhotmange, her daughter Priyanka and her two sons, Roshan and Sudhir were dragged from their home by a mob, stripped naked, paraded through their village, beaten to death, and their bodied dumped in a nearby canal.

 Bhaiyyalal Bhotmange, the father of the family (photo opposite), escaped by lucky chance. The details of this caste-based crime are sickening, and the hatred behind it is difficult to comprehend but the viciousness is typical of many crimes committed against lower caste people in India every day.

"Most of these crimes are invisible, but this atrocity came to light through Dalit campaigns and became an international news story. The Manuski project, led by members of TBMSG (the Indian equivalent of the FWBO), and supported by Karuna, played an important part in making that happen.

"Could you tell Bhaiyyalal’s story? You could give Dalit people such as Bhaiyyalal a voice and help them escape the suffering caused by caste discrimination.

"How? Live a truly meaningful and memorable year as part of a Karuna Men’s Fundraising Community

"From September 2010 to August 2011, Karuna will be pioneering the first team of Karuna Appeal fundraisers who will come together for a year to live and work together as a community of fundraisers.

"We need a team of four or more men.

"What we’re offering:

• Community living based in London
• Blocks of 6 weeks fundraising followed by at least one week off
• A total of 10 weeks leaves including a trip to India and time for retreats
• Training in Fundraising as a spiritual practice
• A comprehensive support package
• Led by Jayaraja

"For more information -
Contact Khemajala
Phone 0207 697 3004

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Karuna Trust seeks Programmes Manager

Karuna would like to recruit a Programmes Manager.

The role involves the development and management of Karuna's work in India. This involves overseeing and developing a programme of work that will empower the dalit community in India. This will involve individual and social transformation.

The candidate will need to be able to work effectively with the movement in India and with other partner organisations. The ideal candidate would be a mitra or order member with an international development qualification and experience of international development.  However if the candidate has transferable skills and the willingness to obtain a professional qualification Karuna would fund appropriate training.

The role will involve -

1. Reading and responding to written project funding applications
2. Participating in implementing Project Based Funding for the movement projects
3. Managing relationships with partners. The partners are often Indian order members from the Dalit community
4. Understanding and providing appropriate feedback on finance and monitoring reports
5. Capacity building of the movement trusts and other organisations and individuals so that they can run effective social work projects
6. Developing proposals that will secure institutional funding
7. Liaison with donors
8. Managing change

The successful applicant will have -
  1. International development qualification or a willingness and ability to obtain a qualification
  2. Experience of international development or a related field
  3. Commitment to FWBO
  4. Benefit from and contribute to TBRL.
  5. Experience of developing and managing budgets
  6. Good interpersonal skills and an ability to communicate across cultures
  7. Good Team worker
  8. Ability to understand and critically assess written funding proposals
  9. Experience and understanding of Monitoring and evaluation
  10. Experience and understanding of Capacity building
  11. A commitment to Diversity and to addressing discrimination
Closing date 1st December. Interviews early December.

For an informal discussion please contact John Griffin or on 0207 700 3434.
For an application form, person spec and job description contact Dh Chandrasuryapradipa

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Karuna seeks fundraisers for 2010: India needs you!

The Karuna Trust is the FWBO's principle fundraising charity, sending well over £1m/year to India to fund a wide range of social and Dhamma projects. They're seeking volunteer fundraisers for 2010.

Amalavajra says -

"If you feel strongly about helping India’s Dalit community to escape the hell of caste, then please do consider giving some of your time next year to fundraise for Karuna, or encourage your friends to do so. We offer financial support. Here is our 2010 fundraising programme:

Door to Door Appeals
Spring Men's 6th Feb - 20th March Nottingham
Spring Women's 20th March – 1st May Brighton
Summer Men's 29th May – 24th July Edinburgh
Autumn Women's 4th Sep – 16th Oct Birmingham

Telephone Campaigns (Mixed, London-based)
11th Jan – 19th Feb
19th April – 28th May
25th Oct – 3rd Dec

12 month appeal community with Jayaraja (For men, London)
Try out TBRL and community living for a year: Sep 2010 – Aug 2011

Please contact me at if you feel strongly about helping India’s Dalit community to escape the hell of caste, then please do consider giving some of your time next year to fundraise for Karuna, or encourage your friends to do so. We offer financial support. Here is our 2010 fundraising programme:

Door to Door Appeals

Spring Men's 6th Feb - 20th March Nottingham
Spring Women's 20th March – 1st May Brighton
Summer Men's 29th May – 24th July Edinburgh
Autumn Women's 4th Sep – 16th Oct Birmingham

Telephone Campaigns (Mixed, London-based)

11th Jan – 19th Feb
19th April – 28th May
25th Oct – 3rd Dec

12 month appeal community with Jayaraja (For men, London)

Try out TBRL and community living for a year: Sep 2010 – Aug 2011

Please contact me at or 0044 (0)207 7700 3434, or visit
or 0044 (0)207 7700 3434, or visit

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Three new opportunities at the Karuna Trust

Since 1980 the FWBO's Karuna Trust has been initiating social work and Dharma projects amongst some of India's poorest and most disadvantaged communities. The majority of funding for this work comes from thousands of individuals across the UK who, having met with a Karuna fundraiser, have taken the decision to contribute money to Karuna regularly by standing order. Jo, who works there, writes with news of no less than 3 new opportunities to contribute to Karuna's work. She says -

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know about some new opportunities at Karuna...

Phone for Karuna…

Oct 19th – Dec 4th (4th week off)
London only (3pm – 9.30pm weekdays)

Based in our London office, we will be phoning existing Karuna supporters. On average 30% of supporters choose to donate more money to Karuna as a result of their conversation with us. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in exploring skilful communication alongside other practicing Buddhists. Financial support is offered so do get in touch if you would like to join this autumn’s team.

Call Jo on 0207 697 3006 or email

Knock for Karuna…

Appeal dates for 2010 are on our website now - check . Do an appeal and fundraise for projects that build self-worth and change the lives of those born at the bottom of a harsh social system in India.
We would love to hear from you if you would like to do an appeal in 2010.
Call Pete on 0207 700 3434 or email

Live Together for Karuna…
(Men only)

We are offering:
A house to live in, in London
Blocks of 6 weeks fundraising followed by at least one week off
Total of 10 weeks leave including trip to India
A deep exploration of fundraising as Dharma practice
Contact Khemajala on 0207 700 3434 or email

That's it folks! Hope at least one of these whets your appetite...

Jo :)

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New fundraising opportunity at Karuna

The Karuna Trust, an FWBO charity working with marginalised communities in South Asia, has been running door to door fundraising appeals for nearly 30 years. Hundreds of people from the FWBO sangha have recruited thousands of UK householders who give £1.1million to Karuna each year.

Jo Goldsmid from Karuna says:

“According to research, a lot of our current supporters would be happy to give more; we just need to ask them. So that’s what we are going to do! We will be running a telephone fundraising campaign this summer from our office in London. This means we will be phoning hundreds of our loyal supporters and asking them to give a bit more. We will run the appeal in the same spirit as our door-to-door appeals: as an opportunity to deepen awareness of ourselves and our communication with others, with a strong sense of team. So each day before beginning phoning we will meet at the Karuna office, share our experience and then eat an early dinner together. Each evening will come to a close with a rejoicing in merits.

Telephone fundraising has a lot in common with door-to-door fundraising; it develops your communication skills and you can end up having some very meaningful conversations with people. It’s possible to raise even more money than you would knocking on people’s doors, so this means we will be able to reach out to even more vulnerable children, women and men across South Asia.

So if you live in London, are available on weekday evenings between 1st June and 11th July and would like to contribute, we’d love to hear from you! Full training will be given and financial support can be negotiated.”

Contact Jo at Karuna: +44 (0)207 697 3006

The photographs show two girls, Maya and Mandodhri, going to work in the brick kiln at dawn…and later on their way to their Karuna-funded school. Education - more than anything else - helps people to take control of their lives and break out of the poverty cycle.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Job opportunities at Karuna

The Karuna TrustFour jobs are coming up at the Karuna Trust, the FWBO's most successful fundraising Right Livelihood.

They say -

"Join a mixed team of committed Dharma practitioners and contribute to our work in raising over £1.5 million a year to help thousands of marginalised people in South Asia to transform their lives. We work with a wide range of social and Dhamma projects in India and Nepal, including many outside the FWBO and TBMSG.

Trust Fundraising Officer
You will be responsible for maintaining and developing our crucial grant income from charitable trusts and foundations, and from online donors. You will be self-motivated and ambitious, with excellent writing and computer skills. Some experience of fundraising is desirable.

Door to door appeals fundraiser and trainer (male applicants only please)
You will share the responsibility for the recruitment and training of appeal volunteers, especially men, as well as doing some fundraising yourself. You have either already proved your fundraising ability on at least two appeals, or are willing to do so, and possess a developed ability to tune into others and help them to deepen their self-awareness. You are able to work well both independently and as part of a team.

Donor Care Assistant
Acting as first point of contact between Karuna and its supporters, you will be responsible for maintaining our database of 7,000 regular donors, including the administration of standing order gifts. You will be systematic, have an eye for detail, good IT skills, and a friendly telephone manner.

Marketing Officer (2 ½ days per week)
You will be responsible for Karuna’s profile both within and outside the FWBO: at events, on the internet and in its printed publicity materials. You will be creative, a good communicator, with an eye for good design and copy.

You will receive a generous needs-based support package equivalent to about £15,000 per year for a single person (including pension contributions) as well as professional training and 8 weeks of annual leave. You will also be near to the large and vibrant London and North London Buddhist Centres, with the opportunity to live in a residential community, including the attractive Karuna men’s community.

The closing date for applications is 13th June. Interviews will take place in the week commencing 30th June.

For more information on any of these posts please contact Chandrasurya on
or phone +44 (0)20 7700 3434.

To learn more about Karuna’s work in South Asia visit

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Job Opportunity – Karuna Appeals Team

The Appeals Team at the Karuna Trust are looking for a male fundraiser/trainee trainer to join us in 2008.

We are a team of 3 fundraisers/trainers, currently two women and one man, who work closely together to run at least 6 Appeals a year. We also work within the wider Karuna team on a variety of projects and initiatives.

You would be:

· A successful fundraiser (no previous experience necessary – we’d train you) who engages with door-knocking as a spiritual practice
· A good communicator and committed team-player
· Someone who can take initiative and function independently
· Committed to practising the Dharma within the FWBO; an Order Member or Mitra seeking ordination

A full-time support package is available, including accommodation in the Karuna community in North London.

Initially, we’d ask you to do at least 2 appeals in 2008 so we could get to know you, and so you could see whether the work is for you. We could offer a short-term financial package to support you both during and between these Appeals.

If you’re interested, please contact Santavajri, Jo or Khemajala
Tel. +44 (0) 207 700 3434
Email: Santavajri [at]; Jo [at]; Khemajala [at]

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