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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New FWBO Centre opening in Poland

Nityabandhu has sent this report and invitation to FWBO News, we’re happy to pass it on to our readers… He says -


“Tu Nityabandhu (Michal). Jak pewnie wiesz, od paru miesiecy wykanczalismy z przyjaciolmi lokal na Kazimierzu w Krakowie pod osrodek Przyjaciol Zachodniej Wspolnoty Buddyjskiej. Osrodek zacznie funkcjonowac od pazdziernika i bedzie miejscem dla medytacji, nauki medytacji, spotkan, wykladow o buddyzmie, grup dyskusyjnych, pokazow slajdow, filmow i innych zajec; bedzie tez mial czesc kawiarniana (choc otwarcie tej czesci moze nam zajac troche dluzej)…

Happily, he’s also provided an English translation, which runs thus -

“Hello everybody!

“This is Nityabandhu. As you probably know over the last few months we have been transforming a shop space in Krakow into an FWBO centre. I can't claim that we have finished on time or within budget, or even that we have finished at all. But we mostly enjoyed it and have something to show for it - there will be a shrine room ready for meditation, as well as a cafe area.

"Over the last few months we have been transforming a former second-hand clothes shop space in Krakow into a FWBO centre. We thought that having one less second-hand clothes shop won't cause too much harm to the local people (these shops abound here), and having a Buddhist centre instead may even benefit some of them.

"I can't claim that we have finished the building work on time or within budget, or even that we have finished at all - there is still work to be done and this will continue for a few more months. The photograph shows the front entrance as it MIGHT look - we don't yet have the sign! But the shrine room is almost ready to be used.
"On 17 September we will hold an opening ceremony to celebrate the efforts of many people who helped to make the centre happen and to establish symbolically a connection with the rest of the FWBO and the entire Buddhist tradition, and of course with Krakow. We expect quite a few people attending, from Krakow, other places in Poland and abroad. Urgyen Sangharakshita will be coming and I'm sure he will be pleased to be cutting another red-yellow-and-blue ribbon.

“The opening will be at 6pm in 4, Augustianska St. (Ul. Augustianska 4) in the Kazimierz district of Krakow.

“What to expect?
- we will meditate for about 10 minutes,
- see slides from the time before the building work and during it,
- a few words from me,
- a few words from Urgyen Sangharakshita,
- we will enshrine some Buddhist objects in the wall and recite the Dedication Ceremony.

“Then there will be time to meet and talk to people, drink tea, verify the claims that the world's best cakes are made in Poland, as well as have a look around the place. Please let me know briefly if you are thinking of coming. Any other questions please ask.

"From October we will start doing what one usually does in a Buddhist centre, at least in the FWBO i.e. teach meditation, meditate, do Dharma courses etc. We will start small but try to offer more courses with time and hopefully people will find these attractive. Also, we hope to open the cafe space at the centre later in the autumn".

FWBO News says, Sadhu and best wishes!

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